Basic Books, (October 2001)
“Most impressive. Satel explodes myths that are hindering research funding and preventing Americans from getting the quality of care they deserve. Satel is helping steer medicine back to the goal of serving the patient’s needs and restoring health through science. PC, M.D. is essential reading for healthcare consumers.”
—ELIZABETH WHELAN, Ph.D., MPH, President, American Council on Science and Health
“This brave book reveals how the purveyors of ‘politically correct’ thought use political pressure and wildly false assumptions to stir up fear and doubt in Americans about medical and psychiatric services. Read this book as a call to arms.”
—PAUL R. MCHUGH, M.D., Chairman of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
“Sally Satel writes provocatively about politically sensitive issues like women’s health, race and medicine and trends she believes have thrown medicine out of balance. Whether what she says makes you applaud or squirm, you need to hear her out.”
—STEVEN A. SCHROEDER, M.D., President and CEO, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
“Feminists and other liberals who have long protested the medical profession’s right wing biases should heed Satel’s well argued critique of p.c. left-wing medicine. I don’t always agree with Satel, but I welcome this account of how the rise of victimism, the decline of individual accountability, and the growing popularity of new age therapies threaten public health.”
—WENDY KAMINER, author of Sleeping with Extraterrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of Piety
“PC, M.D. is an important and courageous book. lt uses compelling examples to show how the culture of victimhood hurts the very people it is meant to help. I highly recommend Satel’s book.”
—MARCIA ANGELL, M.D., former Editor-in-Chief, New England Journal of Medicine; Senior Lecturer in Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
“When it comes to public health policy, Sally Satel is the conservative I most like to debate. She is witty, honest, and impassioned. PC, M.D. is Sally at best, a book that must be read by those of any stripe who care about the contentious political issues in Anierican medicine.”
—PETER KRAMER, author of Listening to Prozac and Should You Leave?